Some free labs will be held during the event. No specific inscription is required, besides the one for attending the conference.
Roberto Gozzani: Devices for blind users [Maker’s Corner]
After the positive experience from the last edition, the energetic Roberto Gozzani from TecnoCreazioni will be again present at the Maker’s Corner to present us his devices and prototypes made for blind users. We will talk about practical electronics, low cost 3D printing, sensors and tips to switch from idea to prototype.
Friday and Saturday, time to be defined
Arduino in Inclusive Didactics (Giulio Berretta) [Maker’s Corner]
Many electronic devices, while being equipped with physical buttons or other hardware controls, are uncomfortable to use, especially by users with visual impairments, because of their poorly intuitive interfaces and especially rich in visual details. During this talk we will discuss the accessibility and usability of the hardware and there will be some useful measures to create an electronic device optimized from the point of view of the user interface, both in input and output. Finally, similar functional devices will also be shown in the field of Tiflotechnics and Tiflodidactics.
Time to be defined
Round table on software to create music
On Saturday there will be a roundtable in which we will discuss the situation regard the accessibility of software for the creation of music. Different applications will be analyzed and you will be challenged to understand strengths and weaknesses of each of them.
Saturday 18 May from 14:00 to 17:00 hours
Apple: On-board Assistive Technologies
This workshop will showcase the assistive technologies provided natively with the next generation of Apple devices.
In particular, you will discover how devices seemingly unusable by visually impaired people, such as smartphones and tablets with touch screens, can instead become fully accessible thanks to the technologies contained in them.
Participants will also be able to try out themselves these technologies, thanks to the devices kindly made available by the MedStore of Ancona.
Friday and Saturday, time to be defined
UICI – Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Students of the UICI (Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti) will be available providing information and presenting comparisons on the subjects of disability and accessibility of applications and devices.
They will also be able to explain to participants the “traditional” tools used daily by people with visual disabilities.
Friday and Saturday - all day
Apple Assistive Technology (Universal Access and MED Store)
For those who cannot attend the laboratory, it will be possible to have a demonstration of assistive technologies provided natively with the next generation of Apple devices. In particular, you will discover how devices seemingly unusable by visually impaired people, such as smartphones and tablets with touch screens, can instead become fully accessible thanks to the technologies contained in them.
Participants will also be able to prove themselves these technologies, thanks to the devices kindly made available by the MedStore of Ancona.
Friday and Saturday - all day
WEB Development Accessibility
In addition to the sessions, during the day of Friday and Saturday we will have the opportunity to confront the accessibility experts in the WEB from various institutions such as IWA Italy (International Web Association Italia),, AGID (Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale) and INVAT (Istituto Nazionale Valutazione Ausili e Tecnologie).
Friday and Saturday - all day
Mobile Development Accessibility
In addition to the Apple information point and sessions on the agenda, during the event will be possible to confront Mattia Ducci of EveryWare Lab (spin-off of the University of Milan) on topics related to accessibility in mobile apps.
Friday and Saturday - all day
LIA Foundation: Books and digital publications accessible to everyone
Gregorio Pellegrino, head of research and development projects of the LIA Foundation, will be available to discuss the topic of the creation of books and digital publications accessible to everyone.
Fondazione LIA (Italian Accessible Books) is a nonprofit organization that promotes the integration and active participation in the world of the culture of people with visual disabilities, allowing them to choose how, when and, above all, what to read. To do this, Fondazione LIA realizes awareness and promotion events, research on the accessibility of digital publications, training courses and consultancy activities.
Fondazione LIA collaborates with content producers (publishers, organizations and public and private institutions) to make culture accessible to people with visual disabilities. The accumulated experience and the participation in the most important international working groups that work in this field, make the foundation a national and international reference point.
The Foundation is an active member of an international network that deals with accessibility and digital publishing. In particular he is a member of the Steering Committee of the Business Publishing Group of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), of the EDRLab (European Digital Reading Laboratory) Board, of the Readium Foundation that develops digital reading solutions and operates at international. It also participates in the main international working groups on accessibility: Transition to accessible EPUB of the DAISY Consortium, DIAGRAM Standard & TIES Production Group and collaborates in the International Observatory on accessibility of solutions Read by IDPF, DAISY Consortium and BISG (Book Industry Study Group).
Since its inception it has collaborated with the Italian Blind and visually impaired Union (UICI), which, in November 2017, has become an institutional participant.
Currently in addition to Italian Association of Publishers (AIE) are members of the Foundation 16 publishing houses and a library lending platform (Media Library Online).
Time to be defined