Joomla! Accessibility Team Leader: presenta il Team di accessibilità di Joomla!


Carlos Cámara Mora presenta il Team di accessibilità di Joomla!, di cui è leader.


Track 2


Sabato dalle 11:30 alle 11:45


Carlos Cámara Mora
Joomla! Accessibility Team Leader

Foto di Carlos Cámara Mora


Carlos loves Joomla! He has been actively involved in the community since Joomla! 1.5, after his first JoomlaDay Spain in 2008. After that came JoomlaDay UK one year later where he met more interesting people out of his country and then he had the opportunity of attending JandBeyond 2010 where he learnt so much and started being involved in more positions in the community. Joomla! events have shaped his life and helped him establish his current position as consultant.
When his wife, dog and two kids allow him, he is a web consultant specialized in Joomla! Development and he also has the privilege of learning everyday as part of JEvents team.